
Don't forget the postbox

It seems like lots of beautiful things come from Swans Island, Maine.  These blankets and the cards above are prefect examples.  Saturn Press is so old school, they don't have a website or email address – you have to write to them to request a catalog. Their cards can be found at a lot of stores, including Papersource, but you never quite know what selection they'll have.  So when you stumble across one that you love, it's like finding an old friend that you can't leave the store without. 

I would buy all of their cards if I could.  The ones above are my top picks, and if you're one of my nearest and dearest, expect one in your mailbox this holiday.

The above selection is available here: Cronin and Company.

1 comment:

Ancient Industries UK said...

Love these. Bought the shadow play one in Connecticut once and it's great to see the others. Letterpress and screen print cards are very cheap art.