
Holland Park

When in London last month, my mother and I explored many sites, including Holland Park on the suggestion from News from Nowhere.

We were delighted by the gardens, the peacocks, the perfectly dilapidated estate, but mostly the Nature Play Area.  Both of us are firm believers in letting kids play in wild areas, and have discussed this often in the context of Last Child in the Woods, a book my grandmother encouraged us each to read. 

Set apart from the bustling streets of London, this section of the park could easily cure a case of Nature Deficit Disorder.  Unfortunately we couldn't enter, as the sign at the entrance says "No adults unless accompanied by children."  I suppose we could have loosely translated that and entered, as I am the child of my mother, but we didn't test it.


News from Nowhere said...

It's a sign of the times that the life-threatening Adventure Playground of the 70s has been replaced by a Nature Play Area. Still a divine place.

AG said...

Mmm, I probably would have enjoyed it more as a child if the element of danger/rebellion was still involved. But parent-sanctioned wild play is ok too I guess.