

This fall has had me traveling more than I normally like to, but looking back on it all now, it's been a wealth of experiences.  We vacationed in Miami, attended a wedding in north Mississippi, and just returned from another wedding in Cozumel.  Before joining the party, we decided to linger in Tulum for a couple of days.  Most of the time we read in the hammock, but I ventured out for a few walks along the wide white beaches, which were dense with life forms (and remnants of oceanic life).

Can someone please tell me what this is?  There were the clear orbs everywhere, different sizes, filled with water and floating bits.  They were mostly with the seaweed.
A crabby hermit.  I was lucky those claws were so tiny, as he was hopelessly taunting me to be put down.

This beetle was much larger than he looks -- about 3-4 inches long.  I found him limp on the path, but alive.  After I gently placed him in the grass, the birds appeared and began feasting. 
On the ferry to Cozumel, locals and tourists alike boarded.  This young girl was carrying her seafaring pet mouse, Luna, along with a yogurt container with two turtles. 

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