
Veg Patch

The shallots we planted at Christmas are eagerly sprouting.  Today I added brussel sprouts and some butter lettuce to the patch, at the suggestion of my friends at Sunset Nursery.  When I went to go dig into the compost to fortify these newcomers, I found some volunteer potatoes, which I have since transplanted to a proper spot in the garden. 

I am slowly learning what works/doesn't work in this yard.  I imagine it takes years of trial and error to become comfortable with any plot of land.  One of the things I enjoy about gardening is that I am not always the one to blame when it doesn't work.  If something should die, it's a relief to be able to shrug and place the blame on nature.  Or if my lettuce gets eaten, at least it served its purpose of feeding the worms.  But so far, shallots look like a winning crop.

1 comment:

marjory said...

wow, katherine! beautiful. you'll harvesting in no time.