
One of the first things I do at any place I stay is make a vase of plants gathered from the yard.  The new house is no exception. 



Bought a cactus and got a house to boot!

Several things are coming together in life that are making me think it's time to revive my blog.  We bought a house.  I am finishing up my landscape architecture degree.  The weather is changing, if ever so subtly.  Soon I won't have homework to do, and the concept of free time is mind boggling.  I might actually return to gardening.  

Our new house is lovely, with a classic Spanish layout and serene views of the mountains.  There is not a spot in the house that does not make me want to just sit and stare.  However, it has the little decorative touches of someone else, namely a flipper, that are not what we would choose.  It's a joyful process, though, to be able to sit and think ... What color can we paint this window frame?  How should we tile the fireplace?  

The yard is a series of terraces just waiting for life.  I'm not sure how I will begin the planting process. 

In looking into color schemes for both the house and the yard, I am looking to some of my favorite plants for inspiration.  Most have a very similar color palette of ashy blue greens and warm reds.  The first two I've started are below. 

Pineapple Guava

Salvia apiana