I used to hate people who lamented that there's just not enough time in the day. I thought, what are you doing that is so important it cannot wait until tomorrow?
Now I am that person. Between school, work, and life, I cannot seem to keep on top of things. Last night as I drove home from class at 10:30, stuck in downtown traffic, I was debating whether or not I should go to Kinkos then, or get up and go before work, to make scans of my projects.
I am applying for a small scholarship, but despite its size, it's the
first time I've had to put together a portfolio, write an essay about
why I want to be a landscape architect, and gather letters. I thought,
no big deal, but when I sat down to get it all together, I panicked.
I'd never put into words how important greenspace is to me, or how I want
to build wildlife habitats for people who've never held a caterpillar.
The process has given me some clarity, and some confidence in my
goals. I'm still working on the time management side of things.
Then I remembered that I have the world's best husband, and put in a request for his assistance. The sweet man that he is, S. agreed to drive it down to Torrance for me on Monday so I didn't have to rush to meet today's FedEx deadline.
Being busy is good, but I miss those days when I could come home from
work and do nothing. My version of doing nothing involves a snack,
maybe a cocktail, a stack of catalogs, and a place outside to sit. Any
of the grand esacpes below will do.
Ah, I would love to jump into each of these photos! What a delightful blog you have. It is so nice to see someone appreciate nature. :)
Thank you!
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