
Summer Style Notes


Daydreaming about a summer wardrobe that was made for sitting on the  edge of a windy beach or walking my imaginary dog through the coastal sage scrub. 

Denim/ Lake Michigan, MI by SUPERDANGER
Rilleau leather belts (I was lucky enough to inherit one of these from my grandmother)
Image found via Miss Moss
Swimming Pool scarf from Red Brick
Belt from Joinery


Dispatch from Vermont: Fresh Morels

My parents were extremely excited to find a single morel in their woods, which they quickly cooked up in an omelette.   Then a friend mentioned that they had a whole patch of them, and invited my parents over to harvest to their hearts' content.  My mom brought her new trug from Ancient Industries, while my dad took the photos of the bounty.  What a life!

*Full disclosure: I hate eating mushrooms, but I love everything else about them.


Lynx spider!

SO pleased to find this guy in the garden today.  Just a wee young thing, but hopefully it will grow and reproduce more aphid eating lynxes.  Such a beautiful spider (a little shy, though).