
The importance of natives

A friend of mine just shared this article with me, and it pretty well sums up why I care about plants:

Just Because It'll Grow in Your Yard Doesn't Mean You Should Plant It, by Lisa Novik. 

Photo from If Nature Could Talk

Cool my eyes


My eye keeps being drawn to images dense with color and coolness.  I think the dry summer is starting to get to me.

1: Charles Burchfield via what were the skies like
2: by Olaf Hajek
3: 1945 New Yorker
4:  Morris Louis via secret little gem
5: Cover illus. by Józef Wilkoń for Tygrys o złotym sercu, 1963 From the collection of Hipopotam


Studio Shack

I think often about building myself a little fort/studio.  Someday when we buy a house, I imagine there will be a small corner of the yard where I can pitch a 12x12 frame, slap on some old windows, and move right in.  I've already begun hoarding old doors, and I keep an eye out for discarded casement windows.  For now, these are my inspiration. 

Top photo: Erica Weiner
Middle photo: seier+seier
Bottom photo: Shannon Rankin