
Giant Swallowtail

This elegant creature was slowly fluttering through the yard today, lingering near the water fountain.  The giant swallowtail, or Papilio cresphontes, is the largest butterfly in the US, with a wing span that can reach 5-6 inches.  It's hard to tell just how big this one is from this photo (and please disregard my landlord's affinity for bamboo), but it was a decent size. 

More info from the very interesting Lili Singer here

Giant swallowtails only started showing up in southern California 10-15 years ago, and much like myself, are native to the southeastern US.

I often think about what it means to be native to somewhere.  Having grown up in several very different places, I have a hard time feeling native to anywhere.  I began my slow progression to southern California about 15 years ago as well.  In that, the giant swallowtail and I are more kindred than I immediately thought.


Polly/Mom said...

Wow. I can't believe how large it is!

AG said...

These are actually photos from two different days -- yesterday and today. I'll be checking the citrus trees to look for caterpillars. They are the ones that look like bird droppings!

AG said...

Saw a third one of these today, hovering over the little fountain.